Sound Medicine can increase Confidence
An emotionally balanced child is most likely a confident child.
Being emotionally balanced doesn’t mean that a child never feels sad, angry, impatient, or expresses his/her feelings intensely. Actually the more a child expresses his/her feelings the most likely he/she is balanced and feel safe with you.
Our role as parents, teachers and carers is teaching them to come back to balance as they feel the intensity of their feelings, and channel the loud noises and expressions into positive expressions. For example learning to use their words to tell us how they feel, learning to use positive expressions, thinking of positive solutions, channeling their feelings into physical movements, exercise, dance, and therapeutic sounds (like the lion breath).
The tools vary depending on the age of the child, so our need to be patient varies.
A small child naturally wants to scream and run around expressing his/her joy freely. Emotional balance is not about them fitting into labels, or having their behaviour. categorised as “good” or “bad”. It is our deep knowing that our precious child feels safe with us and feels safe within him/herself.
The source of his/her confidence is this feeling of safety.
My Sound Medicine offers this nurturing quality of feeling safe.
Listening to my sound healing songs together with your children (e.g. as a bedtime routine) will also support them in feeling their bond with you. A deep motherly and fatherly care, love, compassion and understanding offered to them will always be so important to practice as often as possible.
Children simply thrive on Love and so do we Parents, Carers and Teachers.
Connecting with our Children in the state of Love and bringing Love and Positivity into their world will always support their blossoming.