Headphones will enhance the benefits
Sound Healing improves listening and learning capabilities. Even more so when listening to my Sound Medicine using head or earphones when possible.
By simply adopting this way of listening your child's auditory processing system is enhanced and your child's development is supported.
As my Sound Medicine for Children is appropriate for children of all ages (from babies to adolescents) the use of headphones is recommended but of course won't always be possible or necessary.
My 5 year old son is just getting into using headphones as part of his relaxation with my Sound Healing tracks.
I also play my healing songs to him as part of his bedtime routine when we listen to them together. As well as I play them to both of my children at times during the day when they can benefit from some quiet time, even if they create art or play at the same time.
Listening to my Sound Healing Tracks with headphones offers Our Children the opportunity to immerse in their own world of Peace and Imagination, to recharge and rest. It also offers them a self-care tool they can reach out for whenever they need it the most.
Enjoying the time when they are in their own world but not alone. Feeling as their world expands positively and brightens by the sounds of Love from the healing songs.
Older children might enjoy lying down as they are listening to my Sound Medicine with head or earphones. This will allow them to feel on a deeper level. They may start to sense how the lovely Healing vibrations flow and move in their bodies and energy centres as they gently soothe, relax and recharge them.
Using an eye pillow or eyemask will relax them even more.