Sound Healing
“When an organ or body part is healthy, it creates a natural resonant frequency in harmony with the rest of the body.
When the vibration of a part of the body is out of harmony, we have dis-ease. With dis-ease, a different sound pattern is established in the affected part of the body.
When sound is projected into the dis-eased area, correct harmonic patterns are restored.”
There are many methods of Sound Healing ranging from Healing with Tibetan Bowls, Crystal Singing Bowls, Therapy Harps, Chimes, Drums to Nature Sounds, Whale and Dolphin Sounds, Healing Singing Voice, Toning, Light Language and more..
Sound Healing restores Harmony in our energetic field and has the power to heal on all levels. Physically ~ Mentally ~ Emotionally and Spiritually.
In that Harmony we feel more in tune with ourselves and with everyone around us.
In that Harmony our ability to listen and to receive increases.
Once we allow ourselves to receive, giving becomes effortless.
My soul has been Thriving on music for so long, discovering the Sounds and Music that quieted my mind and allowed me the space to breathe and be was so profound.
Doing my yoga practice with healing music has been a beautiful blessing, also using nature sounds, Crystal Singing Bowl and Tibetan Bowl music to improve my sleep and relaxation.
Playing Sound Healing music day and night on has served me so well.
Before my children were born I had such a busy yoga teaching schedule together with travelling a lot around London. Sound Healing music kept me recharged and allowed me to stay in balance.
Throughout my Pregnancies, Sound Healing music supported my sleep and allowed me to experience the beauty of Pregnancy on deep levels. Both of my children were happily swimming in my womb with all that Sound Healing experience they have received. Specially as part of my teachings and workshops.
My son showed great interest in playing my Crystal Singing Bowls as a toddler and hit the bowl surprisingly gently.
Sound Healing is a vibratory healing. It can be deeply felt in our bodies and it reaches deep into the cellular level. Experiencing the rich energetic vibrations in my body during deep relaxations while Pregnant was so beautiful.
My Sound Healing tracks have been supporting my own Healing
and have been supporting and balancing my Children in such profound ways.
Playing my tracks over and over again will increase their benefits. I have experienced this literally as their Vibration and Sounds echoing in my body after I’ve finished hearing the sounds.
As if a Healing pattern of Love has formed in my body parts and cells and keeps balancing me long after listening.
If you are familiar with Masaru Emoto's work then you have seen how Positivity, Love and Healing Sounds can leave a beautiful pattern in the Water. This is very much true for the water in our bodies (which we are mostly made of). Water that is the greatest foundation of Life.
The best way to nurture your Children and yourself with my Sound Healing Songs is to listen to them at bedtime or on a quieter volume during the night. And/or as part of a relaxation during the day. Please do not use them in your car while you drive.
Also … read more about headphones here.