Feeling being part of Nature, as well as Nature being part of me, I have naturally become a Messenger of Nature. So my role here is to support you to deepen your Connection with Nature by Shining Light on the Importance, Magnificence and Magic of Nature.
We all know, don't we, that Children thrive in Nature.
We all do.
Spending time in nature as often and as much as possible is so beneficial.
It is my favourite way to spend family time. My children have started to connect with Nature as small babies and appreciate being in the woods in all sorts of weather, play regularly and freely in rain, wind, snow, love the mud and roll on the forest ground in any weather. They also enjoy looking at the Stars and Moon during walks in the dark or sipping hot cocoa by the fire before bedtime.
I noticed how beneficial it is for them to play outdoors as the sun sets getting dark… as our bodies naturally start to unwind and relax.
My number one practice for grounding is to walk in Nature. Even as little as 10 minutes can make a huge difference. Of course the longer, the better.
Do we all know that the best way to reset our energy body is to be in and to be with Nature?
Yes, whenever I or my children don't feel good, we turn to Nature and every time we feel better.
My Love of Nature is so deep and such a significant part of my life, so the very source of my Sound Medicine. Read more here.
Nature is definitely a place to recharge, unwind, to nurture our wellbeing and heal, to heighten our awareness. A place to find Positivity, Inspiration, Clarity, Insight, to Feel Safe, to boost our Imagination and Creativity.
Most importantly a place where we can allow the beauty of Gratitude to flow through us. I can not be anything but thankful every time I feel the fresh air on my skin breathing deeply and freely as I indulge in the beauty and variety of rich colours, smells and textures of Nature. As I hear her whispering eternal wisdom into my ears, as I feel her caring for me so deeply.
You'll find my Affirmation Meditation with Sound Healing titled:
"Nature is My True Nature"
on my new website: www.GabriellaLillyNamara.com
I could talk about Nature endlessly and I will do in my future videos. I know that Embracing and Reconnecting with Nature is the very foundation of Conscious Living.
I am a great supporter of Nature based education, Forest Kindergarten and Forest School. I love the concept of Children spending 5 hours a day in the woods and learning through Nature. I do believe that starting school at age 4 in the UK is unreasonable.
Therefore today more than ever, I am a great supporter of parents, educators and carers who invest their time and energy to deepen their connection with Nature, parents who choose to educate their children in Nature let it be home schooling or a small community schooling that parents created on their own.
You might find that your local Forest Kindergarten welcome children longer, until age of 6.
I feel the need to create more and more Nature based Kindergartens and Schools. I feel the need to create a new form of Education that is Nature, Creativity and Love based.
This time, this transition time (as the world is changing) we live in is an opportunity to create the New that suits our Children's needs the best.
To gather in communities of open-minded parents, educators and carers, to talk more openly what our Children needs.
To look ahead into a brighter future with an "Everything is possible" mindset and actively create the New by taking on a course, learning more about Nature, spending bigger amounts of time in Nature, reaching out for support, start forming stronger communities where we are heard and seen and can speak honestly.
Thanks for the Internet we also have access to support systems way beyond our local areas. My upcoming website: www.GabriellaLillyNamara.com will also offer you support with a variety of Meditations and Sound Medicine including an album about Nature.
I do trust that we all form the future together and each and everyone of us can make a huge difference. With focus on a Heart-Centred Living, we already do. Our constant returning to Love through Sound Medicine and Nature will elevate us and supports us on all levels