The Voice of the Heart

I am forever thankful to the gorgeous Woman who came to me after one of my workshops of "The Dance of Yoga" with her eyes in tears saying: "Look at me, what your singing did to me."

She complimented me on my voice saying how deeply it touched her and suggested I'd need to do more amazing things with it. I have been singing with my Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for my own healing and as part of my workshops and Women Circles for many years now.

I have been singing anyway as a Mother for years now, more often than not using my healing voice. I nurture my children this way, holding them in the space of Love, calming their nervous system.

Healing sounds also support them to overcome any change or imbalance.

After the birth of our second child Amelia, our bedtime routine with Orion changed .. it was not only Mummy who put Orion to bed any more. It was Mummy and Amelia.

There have been times when I wished that my hugging arms were wider. In one arm Amelia is breastfeeding, in the other Orion is cuddling .. and I am trying to read a story at the same time.

Perhaps turning the page of a heavy book has been the most tricky.

Then Amelia wriggles and wants to feed on the other side .. then Orion gets upset: "Why don't I have Mummy with 2 arms and full body available for a cuddle ?

Besides the Love and Patience that has supported us to adapt to the change, I've had another powerful tool in my hand. My healing voice and Light Language that I feel so grateful for .. and both that in those moments just wanted me to surrender to LOVE, that is Unconditional and Divine. LOVE that I just allow to move through me in its untouched, unfiltered, unconditional essence.

Whenever I tried settling with my 2 little ones, one in each arm, wiggling in the dark singing some lullabies .. I spontaneously started to sing chants that turned into varied healing sounds and light language .. sometimes which resembled Celtic songs or Tibetan chants.

Light Language not only has an endless form of expression (more and more I am discovering) but it comes through in many many different sounds. Just like any other sound healing practices, it is bringing you back to wholeness, where you feel that all is well, all is safe and you are divinely held and supported in Love.

A beautiful practice that I am truly grateful for.